How To Install Ipplan On Windows 7

2/5/2018by adminin Category

By Introduction While Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 is the recommended database to use when hosting PHP applications on an Internet Information Services 7 (IIS 7) and above Web server, you can also use MySQL as the database. Currently, many popular PHP applications use MySQL Server for data storage. Using MySQL requires hosting providers to include MySQL database support with the hosting packages.

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How To Install Ipplan On Windows 7

MySQL cannot currently be installed with the Microsoft® Web Platform Installer (Web PI). This article provides guidance for installing MySQL manually. Install MySQL Server on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 It is recommended that you install MySQL on a dedicated server rather than installing MySQL on the same server that is running IIS. The separation of database server and Web server makes overall installation more secure and manageable and avoids resource contentions between the database and Web server processes. We recommend downloading Windows® Installer.

• Start Windows Installer, or extract all the files from the archive, and then start Setup.exe. • You can use a Typical Setup or customize the installation to suit your needs. • Once the installation wizard is completed, it is recommended that you leave the Configure the MySQL Server now check box selected. Configure a MySQL Instance • Run the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard, and then choose the configurations options that most closely match your environment. For more information, see the. Best practice recommendations are as follows: • Click Next in the Instance Configuration Wizard.

• Select Detailed Configuration, and then click Next. • Select a server type that best suits your environment. It is recommended to set up a separate MySQL server; when prompted to select a server type, select Dedicated MySQL Server Machine, and then click Next. • Select a database option, and then click Next. • Select either the Multifunctional Database or Transactional Database Only options if you are using the InnoDB storage engine or the high-speed MyISAM storage engine (for example, if the Web applications on your server require multi-statement transactions, advanced isolation levels and row-level locking, foreign key constraints, or atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable [ACID] features). These options provides fully ACID transactional capabilities, but at the cost of more aggressive usage of disk space and memory. • Otherwise, use the Non-Transactional Database Only option, which is optimized for high-performance SELECT operations.

It has low overhead, in terms of memory usage and disk utilization, but at the cost of not supporting transactions. • Choose the option that sets the number of concurrent connections you need. Note Connections require memory; if the number you choose is too big, your server may not have enough memory. • You may adjust networking settings to suit your environment or accept defaults, and then click Next. • Select the default character set that best suits you, and then click Next.

• We recommend enabling both Windows options here. Select both check boxes, and then click Next.

• Type the password you want to use for the root account, and then click Next. • Click Execute to apply your settings. • Click Finish to close the wizard. • For PHP to work with MySQL, it is necessary to perform the following modifications to the Php.ini file: • Confirm that the extension_dir points to the folder where all PHP loadable extensions are located, frequently in the Ext folder (for example, extension_dir='. • Enable dynamic extension for MySQL by uncommenting the corresponding line for the MySQL extension: extension=php_mysql.dll • c.

Save and close the Php.ini file. Secure MySQL • Remove the anonymous database account (if it exists). Open the MySQL command prompt by clicking Start ->All Programs ->MySQL ->MySQL Server 5.1 ->MySQL Command Line Client: • Enter the password for the root account.

• Once logged on to MySQL, use the following sequence of commands: mysql>use mysql; Database changed mysql>DELETE FROM user WHERE user = '; Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.03 sec) mysql>FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec) • Next, restrict the root account to log on only from localhost.

Is a web based, multilingual, IP address management, DNS and tracking tool written in PHP 4. It can be used to simplify the administration of your IP address space. IPplan can handle a single network and as well as large networks with overlapping address space. It makes managing ip addresses and managing ip address space simple and easy. IPplan will run on any operating system that supports PHP language and MySQL, PostgresSQL and Oracle databases. Features As mentioned in the official website, the main features are: – Support for IPv6.

Create Database and User for IPplan For instance, here i am going to create a database called “ipplandb” and database user called “ipplanuser” with password “centos”. You can define database and user as per your liking. # mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.

Commands end with; or g. Your MariaDB connection id is 3 Server version: 5.5.31-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or ' h' for help. Type ' c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>create database ipplandb; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) MariaDB [(none)]>GRANT ALL ON ipplandb.* TO IDENTIFIED BY 'centos'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) MariaDB [(none)]>flush privileges; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]>exit Bye Adjust Firewall/Router Settings Allow the apache default port “80″ through iptables/router. Edit file /etc/sysconfig/iptables, # vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables Add the following line.

-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -j ACCEPT Now restart the iptables service. # /etc/init.d/iptables restart Getting IPplan Download the latest version of IPplan here or enter the following command to download it from your terminal. # wget Untar the zip file using command: # tar -zxvf ipplan-4.92b.tar.gz Move the extracted folder to apache root folder. # mv ipplan/ /var/www/html/ipplan Change the ipplan directory ownership and permissions using the following commands: # chown -R root.nobody /var/www/html/ipplan/ # chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/ipplan/ Edit the config.php file, # nano /var/www/html/ipplan/config.php Set the mysql details. // the database user and password is NOT the same user and password // used to access IPplan as a regular user.

Rta Xsara 1 9 Td Pdf Merge. Define('DBF_TYPE', 'maxsql'); define('DBF_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DBF_USER', ' ipplanuser); define('DBF_NAME', ' ipplandb'); define('DBF_PASSWORD', ' centos'); Scroll down further and set your country and state code. // default country code (' for none) define('DEFAULTCOUNTRY', 'IN'); // default state code (' for none) define('DEFAULTSTATE', 'TN'); Save and exit the file. Begin Installation Open up the browser and type “or “in the address bar. The following screen should appear.

Select New installation and click Go.It will ask you the username and password. The default username and password are admin. You can change the password by editing the config.php file.

Now you will be pleased with a message “The database schema was created”. IPplan has been installed successfully now. You access the IPPlan home page with URL or Now it is time to further administration and configuration.

Head over to to read about further configuration and administration details.