Puch MAXI Throttle Cable Cables/Nipples Puch MAXI Throttle Cable. PHBG carbs come with one of two types of choke mechanisms that can be specified when bought: cable or click. The Hand Throttle. Stock moped throttles for the most part can not fully open a PHBG carb slide. For proper tuning, it is advised that you install an aftermarket throttle assembly that can fully. Moped Troubleshooting Guide. Bringing 'em back to life! Starting Problems Storing Your Moped Moped (PUCH) won't spark. Timing Adjustments Clutch Problems 2-Speed Clutch Cable install Rust in Gas Tank 2-Speed Clutch Removal 1 Speed Puch Clutch Tuning Points and Plug Gap Settings and Puch Spark Plug Types.
Taco rating 4 of 5 Total Reviews: 9 1 taco eaters like this review Cant be used for laparoscopic surgery August 15, 2017 taco eater: Treat Phreak from Hyannis, MA United States cannot be used for laparoscopic surgery as there is no way to secure a laser scalpel properly. Iclone 3dxchange 4 Pro Download. Was this review helpful to you?
1 taco eaters like this review Not for Pinto July 21, 2016 taco eater: Jacob Dodge from Middletown, CT United States I mean, its a cable and you can cut it and resolder an end piece, but it was far too long for my Pinto. Was this review helpful to you? 1 taco eaters like this review sensuous throttle action August 2, 2015 taco eater: E from Torrington, New England (Sept 2014) Needed a throttle cable with a bigger knarp on the grip end. I've got the early-style switches and grips on my 77 Puch Knarp was the right size for my throttle grip, but I had too much slack with the elbow on my 12mm bing.
Had to raise the elbow out of the carb's cap, and dial-out the cable adjuster at least 3/4ths of the way. Might want to scrape off the extra metal bits on the other end of the cable that hooks into the carb slide. There's some extra residue around the seam of the molding for the knarp, and I was afraid of it falling off and getting sucked into my intake. Maybe I'm just OCD?
[Aug 02 2015 Edit:] so after using it for a few months, the cable started to fray a little bit where the throttle sleeve guides it between the grip and the cable sheath. I figure it just fatigued due to the channel that it slides in. Might want to consider some kind of grease or lube. Was this review helpful to you? 3 taco eaters like this review So awesome for hobbit. November 20, 2012 taco eater: JakeP from Riverside, CA United States Perfect if you're running a mikuni on a hobbit.
VM18 or VM20. You can even use it on your stock carb if you cut the small end off and shorten the housing some. Was this review helpful to you? 0 taco eaters like this review Free is good January 25, 2012 taco eater: Nicholas Badman from Dover, DE United States My stock cable was falling apart and this cable works perfectly, it came free with a dellorto carb party pack. Was this review helpful to you?