Most probably in 2010, when dan was in a trip with his family in india, and Phil was alone. So on valentines day, he made a video about how he liked dan and tells about his memories together. Mario Forever 5.08 Download Free. It includes kissing and as Phil said in the video, 'funny times in bed'. He uploaded the video to his side channel 'LessAmazingPhil', and the video was private. In 2011, youtube had a glitch and the video became public so some fans saw it.
Phil took down the video and reported the ones who have it. Dan claimed that the video was to mess with the fans who shipped phan, that the video was only a joke for april fools. Note: its a bald fucking lie. Not that i ship phan(i do) there are loads of problem with Dan's explenation and Phil's attitude after the video got public. Plus, the video is far away from being a simple joke.
Download Video DAN AND PHIL VALENTINE'S DAY VIDEO EXPLAINED - PHAN SHIP EVIDENCE. Play, streaming, watch and download phan-valentines day video video (00:50), you can convert to mp4, 3gp, m4a for free. Y'all wanted it so here the video of Ryan isn. Play, streaming, watch and download phan-valentines day video video (00:50), you can convert to mp4, 3gp, m4a for free. Y'all wanted it so here the video of Ryan isn.
If you didnt know; 2012 year of dan is called 'no homo howell' year, he acted as if nothing happened between those two. Ok by now people have already explained what it is, but I just want to add- please don't watch it. Whether or not it's real, if they don't want people to watch it, doing so anyway is an invasion of their privacy. How would you feel if someone else did this to you? Because of it people were harassing their families about phan, and it was tearing Dan and Phil apart. Ship them all you want, write/read whatever fanfiction you want, just don't invade their privacy. Watching it is a betrayal of their trust.
They are real people with real lives, they don't owe us anything, and are not at all obligated to share everything with us. So please, if you have any morals, if you value Dan and Phil as more than just the ship but as human beings, don't watch it. Dan particularly has already had to deal with so much, like bullying, depression, etc.
And neither of them deserve betrayal from their own fans as well. Whether or not it's real, if they don't want us to watch it, any decent human being should respect that.
Watching it anyway doesn't make you a fan or a shipper, it makes you an asshole.
OK, every Phan keeps talking about the Valentines Day Video. I am so curious, no one will tell me what its about, i sort of know why it was taken down but, ARGH. I feel so left out in the Phandom because I don't know what it is! Apparently Dan and Phil will be pissed off if someone got the link but people on. OK, every Phan keeps talking about the Valentines Day Video. I am so curious, no one will tell me what its about, i sort of know why it was taken down but, ARGH. I feel so left out in the Phandom because I don't know what it is!
Apparently Dan and Phil will be pissed off if someone got the link but people on Tumblr keep saying they've recently seen it and will not give the link to anyone or tell them what its about. They could be anon trolls, but most of them weren't anon. COULD SOMEONE PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A BRIEF EXPLANATION ON WHAT THE VIDEO IS ABOUT AND WHY IS IT SUCH A BIG FUSS!?
Basically Phil made a video on Valentines day to Dan since Dan was in India.In the video Phil was telling Dan how much he meant to him and just recallinng memories they had together the past few months. (They met in real life in October of 2009, video was made on Feb 14, 2010) Anyways Phil posted it to his channel but put it under private so that only Dan could see it since Dan had Phil's password.
Then in October of 2010 the video was accidently unprivated because of the glitches youtube was having. Thats when the Phans got a hold of it and they posted it everywhere and the whole phandom went crazy. Dan addressed the 'real' reason behind the video. Supposedly, he claim that the video was supposed to be prank video and that they were going to 'accidentally' unprivate it on April fools day but then they had to back out of the plan because they thought it was too mean.
* Although if that is the 'real' reason, in my opinion if they thought it was to mean then they should have deleted the video from the channel ASAP so it wouldn't have become a huge problem* Then Phil took immediate action by trying to take down every V-day video he could find. He even claimed the rights to the video so that no one could repost it and would be copyright if was reposted on youtube especially.( Although, there still are some v-day videos all over the web you just have to keep on looking.) Dan and Phil asked the Phans to please take down the v-day videos, to not repost the video anywhere, and also to respect their privacy. So now its a 'forbidden' subject. *Heres my opinion, if the video was just a prank, then whats the point of making a big deal out of it and going through all that trouble to take down every v-day video you can possibly find and then ask your fans to please not repost or talk about it.* Phan was real at one point maybe not at the moment but I'm not going based on just this v-day video incident but because of other proof with detailed explanations that you can find on tumblr. Hope that helped:).
The Valentines Day video was Phil talking about all the fun and how much he was in love with Dan. Dan at the time was in India and Phil had '5 hours with nothing to do' so he posted the video on LessAmazingPhil of which Dan had had the password to. It was said that this video was a prank and was going to be unprivated on April Fools day and they were going to prank all the Phan shippers, but they thought it was to mean and they never did, but it wasn't until YouTube glitched and accidentally unprivated it and everyone went crazy thats when Phil took it down and said to everyone it was a prank and to never talk about the video. • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. • You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM.
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