Dil Kya Chahta Hai is a light-mood narrative show which tells the tale of four friends and their bonding with each other. The 30 mins show aired for quite some time on Star one on Thursdays, 9 pm and was very popular during the time. The show explores the life of four friends who are poles apart from each other professionally and personally but when faced by the happiness and sorrows of life, the ups and downs, how they handle it in a light hearted way and learn a lesson at the end of each episode. One Piece Gigant Battle English Patch more.
Dil Kya Chahtha Hai Forum - Check out all the latest discussions, videos, news, daily written updates, fanfictions on Star One's Dil Kya Chahtha Hai television serial Forum. 18 Wheels Of Steel Extreme Trucker 2 Download Free Full Version. Song - Wo Ladki Hai Kahan Film - Dil Chahta Hai Singer - Shaan, Kavita Krishnamurthy Lyricist - Javed. Each episode has different topic or situation these men deal with in their daily lives and the story is narrated in the voice of the character Akash. The story very well portrays the urban male, their bond as friends, their thoughts and takes centering the priorities in their lives. These men, no matter how complicated their lives be.